29 agosto, 2016
On 09:26 by Quorum in Brazil, Brazilian Crisis, Brazilian recession, Dilma Roussef, Economic Crisis, Impeachment, Lula da Silva No comments
On this last weekend, former economy minister Nelson
Barbosa and Rio State University law professor Ricardo Lodi were the final
defense witnesses brought to testify that Rousseff did not break the law or
harm the economy, which is now in deep recession.
“There is nothing remotely
illegal,” Barbosa said. “You cannot act retroactively with a new interpretation
of the law.”
The same argument was delivered Friday by a first batch of Rousseff witnesses who said that such budgetary maneuvers have long been common practice and that Brazil's economic decline was entirely unrelated.
Her accusers laid out their case
on the trial's opening day Thursday, arguing that Rousseff was criminally
irresponsible and helped run once booming Brazil into the ground.
Tension is building ahead now this Monday morning, when Rousseff, from the Workers' Party, will take the stand for
the first time and face her accusers.
She will be accompanied by her
mentor and predecessor in the presidency, Lula da Silva. Lula rose from poverty
to found the Workers' Party and become one of Brazil's most popular presidents
ever before helping Rousseff take his place.
The once all-powerful pair are
now demonized by the middle class, blamed for Brazil's economic shambles and
tainted by the revelation of a gigantic corruption scheme at state oil giant
Petrobras which peaked during the Lula presidency.
Lula's presence and Rousseff's
allegations of a plot to destroy 13 years of Workers' Party rule will make for
a highly charged atmosphere in a divided Senate where a shouting match
broke out last Friday, forcing the session to be suspended.
Final arguments will follow
Rousseff's testimony, then the voting session, which will include speeches by
each senator, with the final result expected next Tuesday or Wednesday.
Two thirds or 54 out of the 81
senators must vote for impeachment to force Rousseff's immediate removal. The
latest estimates by opposition senators and major Brazilian newspapers is that
the pro-impeachment side is on track to win.
The current acting president
Michel Temer -- Rousseff's former vice president turned bitter enemy -- would
then be sworn in to occupy the post until 2018 elections. Since he took over
the temporary job with Rousseff's suspension in May, Temer has installed a new
center-right cabinet with a market-friendly message that has won plaudits from
Brazil's economy shrank 3.8% in
2015 and is forecast to drop a further 3.3% this year, a historic recession.
Inflation stands at around 9% and unemployment at 11%.
Source: Mercopress Agency
Source: Mercopress Agency
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